Antipsoriatic Association |
Russian version |
Two fragments of the Charter from sections 2 and 3:
2.1. The purposes of Association are representation and protection of the general, including professional, interests of Association members - citizens and the organizations in the field of prevention and treatment of psoriatic disease, including:
2.1.1. Coordination of activity of Association members;
2.1.2. Representation and protection of the general, including professional interests of Association members;
2.1.3. Assistance in the organization of the help to psoriatic patients in detection and elimination of the reasons of initialization and chronization of psoriatic disease for achievement of long and steady remission;
2.1.4. Charity within the authorized activity, assistance in the solution of problems of diagnostics, the organization of treatment and prevention of psoriatic disease, rehabilitation and sanatorium therapy, the prevention and decrease of disability;
2.1.5. Distribution of information on healthy lifestyle, healthy nutrition, fasting diet, cleansing procedures, fitness exercises, and also about pathogenesis, diagnostics, treatment and prevention of psoriatic disease, due to the order determined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation;
2.1.6. Assistance in the organization of courses, programs and actions for disease prevention and health protection, and also in the field of physical culture and sport for psoriatic patients;
2.1.7. Informing legal entities (medical and sanatorium institutions, research establishments, pharmaceutical companies, public organizations, etc.) on problems and needs of psoriatic patients;br>
2.1.8. Unification of efforts of the citizens, legal entities and public organizations who have shown willingness to help Association;
2.1.9. Assistance to development, creation and implementation of modern ways of diagnostics, treatment and prevention of psoriatic disease, and also systems of medical care, methods of rehabilitation, highly effective medications, reactants, means and equipment necessary for psoriatic patients;
2.1.10. Assistance to financing and implementation of projects on studying of pathogenenis, new diagnostic methods, treatment and prevention of psoriatic disease;
2.1.11. Assistance of implementation of everything listed above on the basis of the assumption of key role of intestine microbiome and permeability in pathogenesis of psoriatic disease;
2.2. For implementation of the authorized purposes the Association according to the current legislation can carry out the following directions and types of activity:
2.2.1. Carry on charity to promote the solution of problems of diagnostics, prevention and treatment of psoriatic disease, rehabilitation and sanatorium therapy, the prevention and decrease of disability;
2.2.2. To distribute information (including through the Internet) about Association, its purposes, about healthy lifestyle, healthy nutrition, fasting diet, cleansing procedures, exercises, and also about pathogenesis, diagnostics, treatment and prevention of psoriatic disease;
2.2.3. To publish books, brochures, magazines and other printed materials on the subjects connected with pathogenesis, diagnostics, treatment and prevention of psoriatic disease;
2.2.4. To produce educational movies on the subjects connected with pathogenesis, diagnostics, treatment and prevention of psoriatic disease;
2.2.5. To provide assistance to psoriatic patients in detection and elimination of the reasons of initialization and chronization of psoriatic disease for achievement of long and steady remission;
2.2.6. To promote rendering moral, psychological and information support to psoriatic patients, their parents, relatives and trustees;
2.2.7. To promote the organization of programs and actions for disease prevention and health protection, development of fitness and sport for psoriatic patients;
2.2.8. To hold meetings, consultations, seminars and conferences (including on the Internet) on pathogenesis, diagnostics, treatment and prevention of psoriatic disease;
2.2.9. To assist development of the software, creation and use of databases and resources in the Internet for support of functioning of Association and distribution of information on pathogenesis, diagnostics, treatment and prevention of psoriatic disease;
2.2.10. To attract voluntary deposits of legal entities and individuals in the form of financial aid and appliances;
2.2.11. To organize financing and to promote implementation of projects on studying of pathogenesis of psoriatic disease, development, creation and implementation of new ways of its diagnostics, treatment and prevention, and also the systems of medical care, methods of rehabilitation, medications, reactants, means and the equipment necessary for psoriatic patients;
2.2.12. To promote the organization of scientific research, developments and publications in the field of natural and technical science on the subject;
2.2.13. To carry out interaction with the international and national psoriatic organizations, and also with other organizations and specialists having knowledge and experience in area of pathogenesis, diagnostics, treatment and prevention of psoriatic disease;
2.2.14. To carry out the financial activity only so far as it serves achievement of goals for the sake of which the Association is created and if it answers such purpose.
3.3. Membership of Association is available for: capable citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens, and persons without citizenship who are lawfully in the Russian Federation and also the legal entities ready to recognize the Charter of Association can be Association members and to promote achievement of its authorized purposes.
3.4. Association membership is also available for:
3.4.1. The doctors of various specialties (dermatologists, rheumatologists, hepatologists, gastroenterologists, nutritionists, otolaryngologists, microbiologists, etc.) participating in diagnostics, prevention and treatment of psoriatic disease;
3.4.2. The medical and sanatorium institutions competent in the field of diagnostics, prevention and treatment of psoriatic disease;
3.4.3. Researchers and the research establishments studying problems of pathogenesis, diagnostics, treatment and prevention of psoriatic disease;
3.4.4. Druggists and the pharmaceutical companies developing drugs, reactants, the means and the equipment necessary for diagnostics, treatment and prevention of psoriatic disease;
3.4.5. Psoriatic patients, their parents, relatives and trustees, and also their public associations and the organizations in the field of diagnostics, prevention and treatment of psoriatic disease;
In May 2019 a book was published containing a detailed description of the first stage of the research project:
Mikhail Peslyak (Antipsoriatic Association),
Nikolay Korotky (Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University).
Metagenomes of blood and psoriatic skin. Research project.
M.: Antipsoriatic Association "The Natural Alternative", 2019. - 67 pages.
ISBN 978-5-90-550406-8,
e2.2, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2667680
Supplements to this book:
À) Presentation and illustrations.
e2.2, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.2668376
B) S1-S8.
e2.2, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2668459